Fortitude Season 2 Review

The second season of Fortitude premiered in 2017. It consisted of ten episodes and it was just as good, though even more entertaining than the first season.

Unlike the first season that was more dramatic and realistic, this season is more out there not just in fantastical elements, but also in so many twists and turns piled up. Though undoubtedly the first season was stronger and better written, this one is much more entertaining and brisker in pace. It’s more flawed, but more fun, so ultimately I liked both of them equally.


Fortitude Season 2 Review


The first season was concerned with this parasitic wasps, but the second season took it to the next level by making Dan almost invincible due to overcoming the parasite and mixing with his DNA. This was ridiculous, but it led to so many intriguing scenarios. There is also a significant emphasis on the practice of shamanism and the evils of Big Pharma, both well executed.

Richard Dormer is just as amazing as he was before. He is the heart of the show, and although he was made to be too crazy this time around, he was still superb in the role and Dan was unforgettable throughout. Watching him kill and escape so many times was a lot of fun.

What this season did to Hildur infuriated me. Yes, they made her much more likable than before and she was at first the heart of this second season, but the decision to kill her off was a troublesome one as we now lost such a huge presence on this show. Still, that led to the town grieving her and eventually avenging her in such a satisfactory way.


Fortitude Season 2 Review


Petra was here also much more memorable and so inherently sympathetic. You root for her throughout the show’s run. Ingrid was also solid and the introduction of Dennis Quaid was a great one. He is a different kind of stand-in for the last season’s Stanley Tucci. His arc is a very touching one as he has to accept the fate of his wife eventually dying. His family did not get much to do, but he was very well developed.

Eric was ridiculously stupid and I found that frustrating. Vladek as this crazy shaman was ridiculous and eventually underdeveloped, but he did have a couple of memorable moments. I continue to find the gore on this show over-the-top and needlessly graphic, though. The main villains of the season are both terrific. The new governor was clumsy, but corrupt and dangerous. As for Dr. Khatri, she stood for all those Big Pharma people who would literally experiment on people to succeed in their business and she was ruthless in her icy demeanor.

What I particularly appreciated about this season of Fortitude is the realism of the characters’ deaths. The action here is smartly short and to the point with no unnecessary dialogue, which was very sophisticated. I wish I could say the same for the overall script, which was chaotic to the extreme. The show dealt with too many characters, themes and ideas that the end result was a mess, but a fun mess nonetheless. The cinematography and score are just as good as they were before and the acting is strong across the board.


Fortitude Season 2 Review


Overall, the second season of Fortitude has a messy script and many ludicrous plot points, but it is a more entertaining season with excellent character development and strong acting performances across the board. The highlight is the immense realism of the action that was very admirable.


Worst Episodes: Episode 1 and Episode 9.

Best Episodes: Episode 4 and Episode 8.

My Rating – 4

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