Flash in the Pain (2014)

Flash in the Pain Review
Flash in the Pain is a 2014 animated short film from the Looney Tunes series.
Wile E. Coyote receives an ACME Transporter, a teleportation device worn on the forearm and tries to catch the Road Runner. This movie was directed by Matthew O’Callaghan and it’s actually better than his efforts released in 2010. The teleportation device did lead to many very funny moments that were unexpected and so much fun.
The highlight was the scene where the coyote transports himself to Granny’s apartment. She continues to hit him in the head while Tweety cheers. That was the funniest moment in a film that failed to make a proper use of the Road Runner, who has never been more forgettable than he was here. The movie is also way too short at just around three minutes while the animation is overly modern, though the 3D effects were sweet.