Fire Bugs (1930)

Fire Bugs Review
Fire Bugs is a 1930 animated short film from the Talkartoons series.
Bimbo has problems trying to put out a fire that’s burning a building to a crisp. This movie is worth seeing for its second half. The first half is entirely disposable, forgettable and dull. There is not a single moment in that section that’s worth remembering or talking about. I like the premise, but it needed a better use of Bimbo and more memorable gags.
The second half, though, really worked. The introduction of this crazy guy who won’t leave the burning house as he is playing a piano suddenly gave a lot of momentum to a film that lacked that before. It also gave it humor as the scenario was hilarious, leading to that final moment outside of the building with the piano finishing the piece in an unusual manner. The animation is quite good here as is the sound.