Feather Finger (1966)

Feather Finger Review
Feather Finger is a 1966 animated short film from the Merry Melodies series. It is a solid short.
Daffy Duck, broke and impoverished and desperately needing money, finds an offer for $15 to shoot a small moving target – Speedy Gonzales himself. This was actually a surprisingly solid short that is underrated in its own right. Yes, the score, animation and pacing are again mediocre, but at least it has its memorable lines of dialogue that are somewhat humorous.
I am talking about Daffy here as Speedy was once again misused and the two should have never been paired up, but here we go again with their pairing here. But Daffy’s lines were very amusing at times and he is always at his funniest when inhabiting a certain role, here being kind of a cowboy. The ending was weak, but the beginning was very entertaining.