Elite Season 6 (2022)

Elite Season 6 Review
The sixth season of Elite is the weakest one so far. It has its juicy and fun plot points, but for the most part it failed to excite audiences as much as the previous seasons did.
The main event of this season is Ivan’s accident and his subsequent car coma. Him being hit by a car is a framing device for the season as it is the ending, but also the beginning. This is your standard formula for this show, but this time around the mystery simply wasn’t as interesting. Nonetheless, the final two episodes I have to say were quite thrilling and who will hit Ivan eventually proved to be quite riveting. The final twist also worked and it caught me by surprise.
Speaking of Ivan, he did not get much to do during this season. Patrick and Ivan’s romance was rather uninteresting and they actually bored me at times due to their unwillingness to commit. The eventual murder of Cruz gave the season a lot of darkness with Ivan struggling to accept his father’s death being the most tragic thing that ever happened on this show. However, how they treated homophobia in sports was too over-the-top and this would simply never happen in such a liberal country as Spain. Through all of this, Patrick was seriously sidelined unfortunately.
Mencia also did not get much to do, though her involvement in this abusive couple’s drama was interesting. Speaking of Sara and Raul, this domestic abuse storyline was well handled and his manipulation tactics were grounded in reality as were her insecurities. The final twist was infuriating as it meant that the two would reunite, but still Raul as basically the villain of the season was quite menacing.
I also really liked Ari and her romance with Nico. Nico is the new character of the season – a trans guy who deals with a lot of gender dysphoria and sexual insecurities. How they dealt with the transgender issue was surprisingly nuanced and realistic with the sexual reassignment surgery being depicted thankfully as very dangerous. Nico is actually one of the best characters of the season as he got a lot of inner turmoil to deal with. Ari basically becoming the protector of her family was also badass, and although messy and unlikable at times, she ended up being quite memorable. This is the end for this family on this show, which I have no qualms about.
Through Rocio the show made fun of SJW politics and racial identity in a great way. This was a strong showcase that Elite can be great at dialogue and social commentary when it tries, but it rarely does so unfortunately. Didac is also a solid new addition to the cast. Isadora may be the season’s protagonist here as her quest to lock her rapers was engaging and thrilling. They showed this issue through different angles and just how complicated it can be, but unfortunately by the season’s end I grew tired of this overly protracted drama that should have been solved much earlier.
Overall, the sixth season of Elite was fun to a degree, but not as entertaining as its predecessors. Some arcs here were strong, but most were only okay and they were dragged significantly. They made up drama in favor of drama way too much during this season and the excitement and trashy juiciness that is actually fun was seriously missing this time around. The show’s still somewhat entertaining, but it lost most of its momentum unfortunately.
Worst Episodes: Ansiedad and Duelo.
Best Episodes: Mascaras and Separacion.