Duet (2014)

Duet Review
Duet is a 2014 animated short film directed by Glen Keane. It’s a solid short.
It follows two people who grow up together to create an inspired duet. Glen Keane, a renowned character animator behind ‘Tangled’ among many other Disney classics, was the director of this movie that clearly lacked in the narrative department. We just see this girl, boy and his dog as they all grow up without any more meaning or details to that basic setup. It’s one of those shorts that favor style over substance.
But what style this is! The movie mixed traditional with computer animation to dazzling results. The character animation and movements are splendid per usual for Keane, but the movie overall is so polished in its look and so elegant in its blue-hued visual palette. The score is lovely too. It’s an audio-visual delight that is certainly worth seeing given how short it is, but I just wished that it had more meat in its bones.