Duck Amuck (1953)
Duck Amuck is a 1953 animated short film from the Merry Melodies series. It is a a classic, timeless short.
Daffy Duck is being controlled by an animator who eventually turns out to have been Bugs Bunny all along in that glorious twist ending that just might be the finest ending ever in a Merry Melodies cartoon. This cartoon is in its entirety fabulous, especially in the middle act where the best action and the greatest scenarios are played out stupendously, especially the famous color sequence.
Daffy is hilarious here as he has rarely been this pissed off. The action is amazing, though the third act is much less memorable overall. But the animation has rarely been better as it’s not only colorful and versatile, but also very artistic and gorgeous to behold. This is the case of both art and entertainment beautifully coalescing into a fantastic whole.
Duck Amuck is spectacularly animated and fueled by some excellent action and humor. The twist ending is excellent whereas Daffy is so amusing here.