Drooler’s Delight Review

Drooler’s Delight Review

Drooler’s Delight is a 1949 animated short film from the Woody Woodpecker series. It is a solid flick.

A thirsty Woody wants to drink a special soda, but Buzz steals his money. For such a strong premise, I found this movie to be rather disappointing. It’s fine, but it should have been so much better. The gags needed to have been more inventive overall.

With that being said, the animation here is excellent and I loved Woody in this cartoon. He is so much fun. The final scene worked and was very interesting with the soda drink and Woody inside it. Buzz is a commendable adversary here and their dynamic was superb. I just wished for more dialogue overall, though the cross-dressing sequence was hilarious and the movie never quite reached that level of greatness again.

Drooler’s Delight has a terrific premise and a couple of stellar scenes, but it could have been much stronger overall.

My Rating – 3.8

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