Donald’s Ostrich (1937)

Donald’s Ostrich Review
Donald’s Ostrich is a 1937 animated short film from the Donald Duck series. It is a pretty flawed flick.
There had been two Donald Duck shorts before this one, but this is the first cartoon that was billed within that label as Donald effectively got his own series. Unfortunately, this first official short was not great and its two predecessors were better. The animation is great. Donald is as adorable as ever and his frustrations with this ostrich and especially that radio were quite amusing.
However, the overall movie felt repetitive in its gags as it continued to center on the radio gag throughout its rather long runtime. The third act where the ostrich swallows the radio was expected and overly extended. Again, I liked the ostrich and the radio was funny at first, but eventually both took too much screen time away from the duck himself, which was not a great choice.