Devil’s Feud Cake (1963)

Devil’s Feud Cake Review
Devil’s Feud Cake is a 1963 animated short film from the Merry Melodies series. It is a pretty funny cartoon.
Yosemite Sam ends up in Hell. He strikes a deal with the devil that if he brings the rabbit to Hell, he will be set free. Eventually, he fails to do that of course and he chooses Hell over chasing Bugs. That finale was hilarious and perfectly fitting the story and the characters at hand.
Bugs is very amusing here, but it is Sam who steals the show and this represents some of the best dynamics between the two iconic characters. My only issue is that the short is too brief and rushed as this type of scenario was worth a longer runtime or least a better paced film. It could have been an absolute classic, but it ended up just being pretty good.