Daffy’s Diner (1967)

Daffy’s Diner Review
Daffy’s Diner is a 1967 animated short film from the Looney Tunes series. It is a pretty weak short.
Diner owner, Daffy Duck, must find a real mouse to make into a mouse-burger for El Supremo, a mean Mexican cat. This is yet another mediocre Speedy/Daffy outing that left a lot to be desired in terms of plot and gags. The gags are even repeated in a couple of instances from previous much stronger cartoons, which was very disappointing as they even couldn’t replicate what was already great.
The animation is fine as are the overall technicalities. Some of Daffy’s dialogue is quite fun and amusing. He continues to at least somewhat elevate these movies and make them bearable whereas Speedy himself continues to be forgettable and badly used in them. This was a very weak way to start the year of 1967 for the Warner Bros. shorts.