Cyrano (2021)

Cyrano Movie Review
Cyrano is a 2021 musical romance film directed by Joe Wright and starring Peter Dinklage. It’s such a mediocre movie.
“My fate is to love her from afar“
Too self-conscious to woo Roxanne himself, wordsmith Cyrano de Bergerac helps young Christian nab her heart through love letters. This movie was based on the famous 1897 play that was adapted into multiple movies before, but this is the first major adaptation in quite a while. This is not it, I’m afraid. The story has promise overall, but this adaptation does not cut it.
While the epistolary narrative was interesting and the character dynamics were quite strong, the movie failed to capture the heart and soul of the story as much as it should have. That is due to the messy execution in its editing, pacing and directing. Joe Wright has never been the greatest of directors, but this is still one of his weaker efforts.
Even Peter Dinklage could not save the movie from being so boring and lifeless. This is one of his career-best works as he was perfectly cast and he delivered in spades with a lot of charisma, charm and heart. Whenever he was on the screen, the movie was at least watchable.
But I also really liked seeing Haley Bennett of ‘Swallow’ fame. She was excellent here, though even more could have been done with the central romance that was somewhat rushed and nota s strong as it could have been. Other characters are all utterly forgettable and unimportant.
My main issue with 2021’s Cyrano has to be its musical numbers. Wow, are these songs bland or what? None of the numbers captured my attention in the slightest as they were all super forgettable, annoying and pointless. They also all sounded the same. When you have a musical, you should at least attempt to include one or two great songs, but this one has not a single hummable tune. They’re all so weak.