Compressed Hare (1961)

Compressed Hare Review
Compressed Hare is a 1961 animated short film from the Merry Melodies series. It is a pretty strong short.
This is the final short that features Wile E. Coyote in a speaking role. I have never gotten accustomed to this take on his character, but here he fared better than in most previous shorts where he spoke. The problem here is that he was still paired with Bugs Bunny, so he ended up being shortchanged in his own movie.
With that being said, it’s still a stellar short that benefits from many hilarious lines spoken by Bugs. The dialogue here is the best type of observational Looney Tunes humor fueled by clever word play. The animation is gorgeously minimalist while the sound is great as well. The gags are pretty good, but again it is the commenting by Bugs on each new failure of the coyote that made this short a true winner.