Chef Donald (1941)

Chef Donald Review
Chef Donald is a 1941 animated short film from the Donald Duck series. It is a very funny short.
Donald tries to cook by listening to Old Mother Mallard’s radio show, but of course he ends up failing miserably. This is one of those Donald Duck cartoons where he makes a mess out of everything and not only fails at his job, but gets tortured in the process. The only problem here is that the dough gag got on for way too long. The movie would have been more fun had it been more diverse in its gags.
But it still worked because most of the gags were very amusing. The animation done on this short was exceptional. Donald looked fantastic and his expressiveness was admirable. The voice acting was masterful too. I loved the gag with the trees and the dough. That was very entertaining. The highlight was that unexpected, but highly satisfying ending where Donald goes to beat up that woman on the radio after failing at cooking.