Cat’s Paw (1959)

Cat’s Paw Review
Cat’s Paw is a 1959 animated short film from the Looney Tunes series. It is a pretty solid cartoon.
Sylvester the Cat goes bird-stalking in the mountains with his son, Junior. A dwarf eagle proves too much for Sylvester, beating him to a pulp. Ashamed for his father, Junior puts a paper bag over his head and walks away. This duo is always amazing and here they are once again hilarious. The finale with the bag was so funny and the constant verbal assault from Junior toward his father was very amusing.
With that being said, I wish that the story was better. The mountain setting was great, but the animation was far from great. The eagle was forgettable and a more memorable animal choice would have made the short more impactful. But Sylvester and his clumsiness and fear are still quite humorous to follow.