Review and Analysis of the 5th Academy Awards
.............................................................. Review and Analysis of the 5th Academy Awards The 5th Academy Awards are major improvement over the previous ceremony...
.............................................................. Review and Analysis of the 5th Academy Awards The 5th Academy Awards are major improvement over the previous ceremony...
................................................................ Ranking 1932 Best Picture Nominees The fifth year for the Academy Award for Best Picture is a pretty good...
......................................................... Ranking the Ocean's Franchise The Ocean's franchise is the most famous heist movie franchise of all time. As is...
................................................................ Best and Worst Films from September 2018 Best Films from September 2018: 3. Cinema Paradiso This Italian...
......................................................... Ranking 1980s Foreign Oscar Winners List The eighties proved to be possibly the best decade for the Academy Award...
......................................................... Ranking Disney Princesses Music and princesses. Those are the two things that instantly come to mind upon hearing the...
................................................................ Best Films from Modern Directors Alejandro Gonzales Inarritu - Babel Alexander Payne - Nebraska Alfonso Cuaron...
................................................................ Best Films from Classic Directors Akira Kurosawa - Rashomon Alfred Hitchcock - Rear Window Billy Wilder...
......................................................... Top Ten Alfred Hitchcock Films Alfred Hitchcock, the master of suspense, is without any doubt my absolute favorite movie...
................................................................ Best and Worst Films from August 2018 Best Films from August 2018: 3. The Accused August was...