Best and Worst Films from November 2019
................................................................ Best and Worst Films from November 2019 Best Films from November 2019: 3. Doctor Sleep I did...
................................................................ Best and Worst Films from November 2019 Best Films from November 2019: 3. Doctor Sleep I did...
......................................................... From the Page to the Screen - The Adventures of Tom Sawyer The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is an...
......................................................... Top Ten Bee Gees Songs The Bee Gees are one of my favorite bands, especially due to their very...
................................................................ Best and Worst Films from October 2019 Best Films from October 2019: 3. Allegro Non Troppo Allegro...
......................................................... Top Ten American Horror Story Actors American Horror Story is an anthology show which means that every season has...
......................................................... Ranking American Horror Story Seasons American Horror Story is an anthology series meaning that each of its seasons presents...
......................................................... Top Ten Steven Universe Characters Steven Universe is one of those series that focuses most on characterization and emotion....
......................................................... Top Ten Steven Universe Episodes Throughout its run, Steven Universe had some terrific episodes, ranging from fantasy/SF canon to...
......................................................... Ranking Stanley Kubrick Films Stanley Kubrick is one of my favorite classic directors as his versatility truly is to...
......................................................... Ranking Alejandro Gonzales Inarritu Films Alejandro Gonzales Inarritu is one of Mexico’s biggest talents when it comes to directors....