Born to Peck Review

Born to Peck Review

Born to Peck is a 1952 animated short film from the Woody Woodpecker series. It is a very odd movie.

An elderly, suicidal Woody Woodpecker reminisces about his life as a woodpecker, as his ability to peck wood has vanished, leaving his life seemingly without energy. I did not care for this movie and I found it to be the strangest entry in the entire series. Why did we need to see an older Woody is my question here.

The animation is weak, the character designs are rather rough and the movie is so terribly paced and structured. The premise itself is actually not a bad one, but the movie never made good promise of that basic concept. Also, Woody was never all that obsessed with pecking, so the decision to focus on that as his trait was a weird one.

Born to Peck is a pretty weird Woody Woodpecker movie that had a solid, original premise, but mediocre execution.

My Rating – 3

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