Big Mouth Season 4 (2020)

Big Mouth Season 4 Review
The fourth season of Big Mouth is the best one so far. It is great to see a show become so confident and so strong in this rather late fourth season.
“My whole body is tense,
like Joe Biden is whispering a dirty joke in my ear“
The first episode, The New Me, is truly excellent. This is the opener that introduces Natalie, a transgender girl and the show handled this subject matter very well. I really liked the friendship between her and Jessi. The Hugest Period Ever is the continuation of the summer camp storyline and it’s so crazy and wild that it undoubtedly works. The titular period was brutal, but very memorable.
Missy’s storyline was also very interesting. She is separated from the rest of the kids, but it works because we get to see her development on her own. Her conflicting racial identity was so well explored and the show actually deals with black culture in a refreshingly honest and also funny manner.
Poop Madness is the culmination of this camp storyline and it is utterly insane. Andrew’s pooping troubles were gross, but simply hilarious, especially the finale with Nick that was heartwarming in a typically disgusting Big Mouth way. As for Jay and Lola, their romance is clearly one of the most interesting, entertaining parts of this season. Here, it was at its funniest with the mud pool scenes being so funny in their grossness.
Cafeteria Girls is the weakest episode of the season in my opinion. I liked the meta angle in the second half, but overall there is nothing particularly interesting here. Jessi’s subplot is boring and the boys don’t fare much better either. A Very Special 9/11 Episode is at its funniest when Matthew makes fun of Coach Steve who amusingly enough doesn’t know about the titular attack.
Nick Starr is unquestionably the most original episode of the entire show so far. Similar to other animated shows that have done something similar (‘South Park’ instantly comes to mind), it leads us to the future where Nick is very rich and famous, but lonely and still a virgin. Lola and Jay running orgies was fitting and hilarious while the entire apocalypse finale was so much fun.
Four Stories About Hand Stuff is all about the hand job and it is hugely entertaining throughout all four sections. The first one with Jay was very fun, the one with Matthew was refreshingly restrained, the part with Andrew was suitably over-the-top in his increasingly more insane beliefs, and the final one with Jessi was brutal, but interesting.
The Funeral again sees Andrew show off his disgusting jerking habits for all to see while Matthew’s coming out was very well handled too. Horrority House to me felt out of place as this very horror-centric episode, but it does benefit from some stellar Jordan Peele’s ‘Us’ references. The finale fares much better as a cool continuation of this storyline and a terrific arc concluded so well for Nick. He grew so much throughout this season and became a more selfless person and here that drama was blown to fun, over-the-top cartoon proportions.
Overall, I loved the fourth season of Big Mouth. It’s without a doubt the best one so far. While it has its weaker episodes and it is busy with so many characters, many of them worked and the highlights here were clearly Missy, Jay, Matthew and Nick. It was so sad seeing Jay suffer with Lola, Matthew got a very good coming out storyline and both Missy and Nick continued to evolve as characters.
Worst Episodes: Cafeteria Girls and Horrority House.
Best Episodes: Poop Madness, Nick Starr and What Are You Gonna Do?