Big Mouth Season 3 (2019)

Big Mouth Season 3 Review
The third season of Big Mouth is pretty much on par with its predecessors as the show is still good, but it rarely reaches greatness.
“The puberty fairy?
I’m a hormone monster“
My Furry Valentine is a very long episode, clocking in at over forty minutes, which is almost double the length of a regular episode. This format entirely worked as this holiday is perfect for the show and there are so many arcs for so many characters here with most working out well. Matthew finds another gay boy and he will eventually start dating him. This arc was excellent in this season and very smoothly handled with the dates themselves being sweet and Maury is hilarious with his sex talk. He also starts a friendship with Jessi and they are great together.
Girls Are Angry Too deals with the girls’ dress code and how sexism can dictate the way women dress. The highlight of the episode was Jay having sex with a turkey. In the previous episode, he was with both male and female furniture. His sexcapades to me are the comedic highlights of the entire show.
Cellsea is all about Andrew unplugging and Nick having an obsessive, crazy relationship with his phone. It was the case of the personification of phone addiction done so well. Obsessed is at its best when dealing with Jay and Missy’s partnership in writing a book that is a crossover of Nathan Fillion and her favorite novel Rock of Gibraltar. The results are hilarious. These two continue to be the most fun characters of the bunch.
Florida is all over the place with those scenes in Florida not being all that strong. I did like Jay moving into Nick’s house, that was a great new development and I love the idea of these two being siblings, but otherwise this episode’s treatment of incest wasn’t particularly sophisticated.
How to Have an Orgasm is a solid episode that explores Jessi’s sexual awakening. The dick pic subplot was also pretty entertaining itself. Duke to me is probably the weakest episode of the entire series. I’ve simply never cared for this character when he was a supporting player, so naturally I did not care for him here as the star of the episode basically. The episode did not go anywhere and its depiction of history was also a failed opportunity at memorable comedy.
Rankings is one of the greatest and most enjoyable episodes of this third season. Everything here worked while it pleasantly reminded me of the similar eleventh season South Park episode. Though obviously less hilarious, it was still quite funny seeing these two lists together in one episode. The introduction of the new girl Ali who is pansexual opened up questions about bisexuality and pansexuality and it was really interesting to explore.
The ASSes is this school-centered episode that doesn’t work all that much. I did not care for these tests, though it did depict lack of attention and depression quite well. Disclosure the Movie: The Musical! is fun in the musical numbers, but ultimately not all that memorable. Super Mouth is terrific. Seeing all of the guys and girls get superpowers was just a joy to behold and most of these powers were hilarious. The relationships between the many characters of the show deepen here and the ending is great.
Overall, this is a very good third season for Big Mouth. Some episodes were clearly weaker, but most were pretty good. The standouts in terms of characters were Jessi, Matthew, Jay and Missy this time around, but everybody is clearly so well developed and their arcs are all rather strong.
Worst Episodes: Florida and Duke.
Best Episodes: My Furry Valentine, Rankings and Super Mouth.