Best and Worst Films from July 2021

Best and Worst Films from July 2021
Best Films from July 2021:
3. Journey to the Center of the Earth
For whatever reason, this movie is highly underrated and underappreciated. But it gets the third spot on this list for me as it really made me happy as a fan of the book. It’s a faithful, but also modernized version of the story with lovable characters, surprisingly strong humor and fantastic VFX for the time. It’s a true blockbuster spectacle for the fifties.
2. Giant Little Ones
Giant Little Ones is this Canadian lesser-known movie that also needs more attention, which is the running theme for this month. I loved this movie and I admired its sophistication in tackling the issues of sexuality, fluidity and the complexities of the teenage experience. It’s populated by well-defined characters and the dialogue is stupendous. It’s a must watch LGBT drama.
1. Undertow
And the number one goes to another gay movie, but this one is something that I have never seen before, certainly not exactly like this. This Peruvian romantic drama has a fantasy hook that made for a really compelling watch along with some beautiful imagery and a wonderfully realized setting. The scene where the couple walks together freely is one of the most moving things that I have seen in quite a while. Beautiful and authentic, it’s a gem of South American cinema.
Worst Films from July 2021:
3. Zola
There have been quite a few very mediocre movies that I saw during this month, but Zola takes the third spot for being so damn slight and uninspired. Based on a sweet, its premise had some potential and the beginning had promise, but eventually it became a movie about nothing. It’s also very trashy in characters and subject.
2. Space Jam: A New Legacy
The first Space Jam was at least okay, but the sequel was mediocre for sure. The movie looks good and it has its moments undoubtedly, but the acting from LeBron is quite bad and the emphasis on marketing their HBO Max service made for one of the most manipulative Warner Bros. products ever made.
1. The Boss Baby 2
The Boss Baby 2 is by far the worst movie I saw this time around as even the first movie had some things going for it, but this one disposed of its main characters for the most part, which was a terrible choice as the new ones are uninteresting. Its chaotic pace and ridiculous plot also did not help it.