Bathing Buddies Review

Bathing Buddies Review

Bathing Buddies is a 1946 animated short film from the Woody Woodpecker series. It is a very familiar, but fun short.

Woody and Wally share an apartment building for some reason in this odd cartoon. Although I had many questions watching it, I did find the formula working toward the end. Woody wants to take a bath, but loses a coin in it, so he tries to retrieve it through any means necessary. The resulting mayhem includes Wally fighting a bathtub as the funniest sequence.

I did find Woody as unlikable as ever here, but his stubbornness was definitely very amusing. The voice acting is stupendous here once again. There is a lot of solid humor and fine gags mined from this situation with the bathtub and the shared apartment building. Wally is easy to sympathize in this short.

Bathing Buddies has an odd premise, but some solid gags and a great utilization of its characters.

My Rating – 4

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