Armageddon (1998)

Armageddon Movie Review
Armageddon is a 1998 science fiction disaster film directed by Michael Bay and starring Bruce Willis, Ben Affleck and Liv Tyler. It’s a terrible movie.
American components,
Russian Components,
all made in Taiwan!“
NASA astronauts observe that a large asteroid will hit earth in the next eighteen days and destroy life. They realize that their only hope of survival is Harry Stamper, an oil driller. This movie was the biggest spectacle of 1998 at the box office and it still remains a guilty pleasure for many people. Upon finally seeing it, I now realize that it has no values to it whatsoever. It’s not even a guilty pleasure to me as it is too boring and dumb to be enjoyed more.
Nothing here made sense with the asteroid depiction being all wrong and the oil driller becoming an astronaut being a preposterous idea that was simply laughable. The entire plot was so bad that it made me furious how clumsy and dumb it was. All of the asteroid scenes were ludicrous and the action is so overwhelming that it becomes exhausting to watch.
Another problem is the subplot with Liv Tyler and Bruce Willis. I hated it. This was the only part of the film that wasn’t adrenaline-fueled, but unfortunately even these calmer moments did not work as this father-daughter relationship was badly written and simply not as emotional as the movie thinks it is. Tyler’s performance is weak and Ben Affleck is also forgettable as her love interest.
This is the type of movie where they threw all of these famous actors for no reason at all. It’s even worse when a terrible film has good actors than vice versa. Billy Bob Thornton, Steve Buscemi and Michael Clarke Duncan are all flatly developed and forgettable. None of the characters worked, which was crucial for a movie that is two and a half hours long.
Yes, Armageddon is super long, and thus incredibly tiresome. The pacing is terrible and the direction from Michael Bay is expectedly horrendous. He is one of Hollywood’s worst offenders when it comes to brainless filmmaking and I simply do not understand the appeal of this movie to so many people when the humor and entertainment factor are non-existent. The VFX are excellent for its time, and that’s pretty much the only positive aspect here.