American Horror Story: Delicate (2023)

American Horror Story: Delicate Review


American Horror Story: Delicate Review

American Horror Story: Delicate is the twelfth season of this Ryan Murphy-helmed show and one that sits firmly in the middle – it’s not one of the best, but it’s not one of the worst seasons either.


Derek’s jaw still hasn’t recovered


American Horror Story: Delicate Review


The previous season was stellar and the best one in quite a while. It focused on gay men’s experiences during the AIDS crisis. I actually respect Murphy for going in an entirely different direction here by focusing on a female-centric story that is all about the anxieties of pregnancy. How he tackled this subject was somewhat problematic as the series focuses on too many negative aspects of giving birth, but at least it also cites the positives.

This season is also very different in its feel and tone. Gone are the horror trappings of most of its predecessors and what we have instead is pretty much a straightforward, simple thriller. Thus, Delicate would serve well those who aren’t genre fans or AHS fans, but for the fans it might prove to be a bit too slight. The season ended on a somewhat silly and campy tone, but the first half of it was genuinely engaging, thrilling and intriguingly mysterious.

Emma Roberts was excellent as the heroine. She sold all of her numerous anxieties and delivered such a stellar performance. I loved seeing Michaela Jae Rodriguez of ‘Pose’ fame, though her role was small and so was the role of Cara Delevingne. But there is one person who stole this season and that was actually Kim Kardashian surprisingly enough.


American Horror Story: Delicate Review


Who could have expected that this famous reality star could act, but she surprised us all by delivering a surprisingly effective, playful and memorable performance. Her Siobhan was very funny while still being forceful and menacing when the script demanded it. All of her scenes were the best of the bunch.

At the end of the day, American Horror Story: Delicate is a solid AHS story season that isn’t the best, but it sure isn’t the worst. While the second half was somewhat repetitious and muted in its effect, the first one was thrilling, intriguing and quite fun. The overall plot wasn’t the greatest, but its simple nature was commendable. The highlight is the acting. Emma Roberts was at the top of her game here while Kim Kardashian delivered an unexpectedly confident, funny turn herself.


Worst Episodes: When the Bough Breaks and Ave Hestia.

Best Episodes: Multiple Thy Pain and Preech.

My Rating – 3.7

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