Adventure Time Season 6 (2014)

Adventure Time Season 6 Review
The sixth season of Adventure Time is another problematic season that continued the show’s downward slope in quality.
“Hey, get outta here, old man!“
Wake Up and Escape from the Citadel are two of the best episodes of this season. Not only do they matter as they are true canon episodes that progressed the story forward significantly, but they also fleshed out the character of Martin quite a bit. It turns out that Finn’s father is this douchebag who only cares for himself and is entirely irresponsible. He represents the worst qualities of Finn, which was a very interesting storytelling choice. The Lich here was quite menacing and very well realized.
James II is yet another frustrating, forgettable one-off episode about an insignificant one-off character. The Tower is emotionally engaging, but the twist made it seem less effective. Sad Face is a cutesy cartoon animal episode that is fine for what it is. Breezy is forgettable, but Food Chain is a delightfully surreal take on the tree of life. Furniture & Meat is inconsequential and only serviceable.
The Prince Who Wanted Everything is another tiresome fan fiction filler episode. Something Big is another overly ambitious, but in reality not as engaging episode as it starred uninteresting side characters. The same applies to Little Brother. Ocarina is a breath of fresh air, a wonderful episode that fleshed out Jake’s son character and their fraught relationship. Thanks for the Crabapples, Giuseppe! is one of those one-setting, high-concept surreal episodes that are intriguing at first, but ultimately lead to nowhere.
Princess Day isn’t memorable at all, Nemesis is solid and fun, Joshua & Margaret Investigations is an interesting look into the lives of Jake’s parents and their escapades while Ghost Fly is a silly, but solid and fun episode about a fly haunting Jake and Finn. Everything’s Jake is a solid SF episode with a fine concept while Is That You? is thrilling, but more episodes on this type of story would have been a better choice. Jake the Brick is an overly absurd, ridiculous episode that garnered an Emmy, effectively making it one of the most overrated in the show’s run.
Dentist, The Cooler and The Pajama War are all forgettable for different reasons, but Evergreen is a terrific Gunter origin story that is unexpected and so much fun. Astral Plane is only okay whereas Gold Stars deals with that uninteresting Sweet P character to middling results. The Visitor is another terrific look into Finn and Martin’s troubled relationship that ends badly as the guy refuses to provide details on Finn’s birth. Giving Finn such a selfish, horrible father was a brave choice that really paid off in this season.
The Mountain and Dark Purple concern themselves with boring side characters, making them filler episodes basically. The Diary is a solid, though far from great Jake episode. Walnuts & Rain could have been even better in execution, but its original concept is so strong that it worked. Friends Forever is a forgettable Ice King episode in a season that didn’t use him best unfortunately. Jermaine tries to be a moving family episode, but it’s too strange and inconsequential to be that.
Chips & Ice Cream is too silly, Graybles 1000+ is the weakest anthology episode in this subseries yet, Hoots is basically a filler dream episode whereas Water Park Prank is a simplistic, but fun episode where the two prank Ice King amusingly. You Forgot Your Floaties, Be Sweet and Orgalorg are all one-off character episodes that don’t quite work. On the Lam is a complicated, but fun SF adventure episode. Hot Diggity Doom and The Comet do not rank among the best finales in the show’s history, but they are pretty good overall as they made great use of Gunter’s sudden dual personality. The episodes are thrilling and fun.
The sixth season of Adventure Time is overall a lackluster one. It has its great episodes that are imaginative and fun for sure, but the majority are either only okay or they are those one-off character episodes that never quite worked on this show that tries to be way too ambitious for its own sake. Finn and Jake had their moments to shine and Finn’s father was also very well realized, but most of the other characters were inferior here.
Worst Episodes: James II, The Prince Who Wanted Everything, Pajama War and Gold Stars.
Best Episodes: Escape from the Citadel, Food Chain, Ocarina, Evergreen, The Visitor and The Comet.