Admission Free (1932)

Admission Free Review
Admission Free is a 1932 animated short film from the Talkartoons series.
Koko and Bimbo visit Betty Boop’s penny arcade, Bimbo to flirt with Betty, but his turn at the shooting gallery becomes a hunting trip. This movie starts off with the penny arcade, but they apparently ran out of ideas for that setting, so the movie ended with a hunting storyline. We’ve already gotten hunting before in this series, which is why this ending was so frustratingly uninspired.
The animation is actually very strong here. The character designs are also very good. But the score is forgettable and the characters did not get much to do here with the relationship between them not being emphasized properly. The flick had a Betty Boop song for the opening, which signaled the series morphing into a Betty Boop series soon.