A Bird in a Bonnet (1958)

A Bird in a Bonnet Review
A Bird in a Bonnet is a 1958 animated short film from the Merry Melodies series. It is a very good cartoon.
Tweety Bird takes refuge from Sylvester Cat by hiding in a hat Granny purchases from a boutique. Sylvester tries to sneak up on Granny to grab Tweety out of her hat, only to be stopped by Granny’s angry umbrella blows and a series of mishaps. The hat-based gags worked for the most part here and the action is mostly excellent.
I loved that final moment. That entire scene was excellent. The stuffed bird narrative was interesting and different enough that it really worked, though I wished for a better role for Granny herself. She is forgettable here. Tweety got some solid lines as well while Sylvester is the standout this time around.
A Bird in a Bonnet is a pretty good Sylvester/Tweety short that benefits from some nice gags and a great ending.
My Rating – 3.9