Sausage Party: Foodtopia (2024)

Sausage Party: Foodtopia Review
Sausage Party: Foodtopia is an adult animated comedy television series that premiered on Amazon Prime Video in 2024. It’s a very flawed, but fun show.
After standing up to the human race following the events of the film, Frank and his friends establish a safe haven dubbed “Foodtopia”. Following a massive flood that destroys their once promised land, they have no choice but to partner with humans to ensure the survival of their race. First off, I loved the original film. I find it to be very underrated and one of the best American animated movies of its era.
But this series came off as a big disappointment. It lacked the big humorous situations and commentary of the first flick. Instead, it had more story, but the script is so weak that this choice to focus so extensively on it backfired quite a bit. The political commentary was tiresome and annoying. The overemphasis on those political machinations was not a good choice as the character relationships have always been the driving force of this franchise.
So yes, the story is not good at all. The characters fared better, but most did not get enough to do. Seth Rogen’s Frank is just as fun as ever. I loved his humorous lines and he is a competent protagonist. I am glad that they killed off Brenda as she has never been an interesting character to begin with. Michael Cera’s Barry got some very funny lines of dialogue, but otherwise he didn’t get much to do. The highlight as always is Edward Norton’s Sammy character. His Jewish accent was hilarious and quite often he made me laugh out loud with what he was saying.
That villainous orange standing for Trump was beyond lazy and frustrating, but I did like Will Forte’s Jack character. The human-food dynamic worked here and led to that insanely graphic sex scene between the two that was absolutely hysterical and daringly provocative. I wished that more of this show was as edgy as this. The rest of the season was just going through the motions with the final two episodes being rather dull.
Overall, Sausage Party: Foodtopia has a pretty good couple of episodes, but most were only standard. Some characters were a lot of fun and the graphic sex parts were the best, but the overall storyline was dull with the political commentary being very lazy. The animation is only serviceable, though the voce acting is reliably excellent. If we get a second season, I hope it is much better than this passable mess.
Worst Episodes: Fourth Course and Seventh Course.
Best Episodes: First Course and Sixth Course.