Sweet Tooth Season 3 (2024)

Sweet Tooth Season 3 Review
The third and final season of Sweet Tooth was released on Netflix in 2024. It’s a solid season that closed the show in a mostly satisfactory way.
“The world belonged to the hybrids now“
I loved the first season of this wonderful show, but the second season highly disappointed me. It separated the main cast way too much and it led to an overly slow and boring season that lacked fantastical elements. This was an improvement upon that clunker, but it still paled in comparison to the original as the show at large never quite recaptured that season’s magic.
The cast are back together again for the most part, but this time around we have another issue – the show introduced new characters that we honestly did not need. This led to a season that was cluttered with storylines and character arcs to the point that it felt rushed and underdeveloped. None of the new personalities were particularly interesting and neither one of them were fleshed out properly. It’s a shame that they did not utilize the main cast more.
But when they did, the season shined brightest. Gus and Jepperd are once again a wonderfully endearing duo. By now they have become like a real father and son in their dynamic. The fact that they did not kill off Jepperd worked as it otherwise would have felt clichéd. Gus’s mother was underutilized, but her arc was still quite emotionally effective.
There is no Rani here, but Dr. Singh is there and I found his arc rather frustrating. It’s your typical good guy becomes a bad guy but eventually turns back to the good side narrative that we’ve seen countless times before. It felt very tired. Bear was fine and the kids were wonderful per usual. As for the new villain, Mrs. Zhang is most definitely cartoony and over-the-top, but some fun can be found in her obvious villainy for sure.
Sweet Tooth has never really been subtle and this time it was even more on-the-nose with its messaging. I got sick and tired of constant monologuing from most characters. Those scenes were too preachy. As for the ending, I found it overly preachy too, but it had a mix of pessimistic and hopeful that I did really enjoy. It was a very touching and epic ending.
The action in this season was mostly unnecessary and standard fare that is more distracting than propulsive. But I did like the settings, especially the Alaskan one. The effects are again terrific, the score and sound are great and the acting overall was very good. I just wished that the overall plot and characterization were stronger and more concerned with themes and fantastical elements than action and standard plot beats.
The third season of Sweet Tooth is overall a solid conclusion of this show. It’s weaker than the original, but better than its predecessor. While the constant monologuing and narration were preachy, the character arcs of the main cast were mostly very strong. The ending was quite moving. It’s a fine Netflix series that still never quite recaptured the magic of the initial season.
Worst Episodes: Beyond the Sea and The Tall-Tale Heart.
Best Episodes: The Beginning Is Also the End and This Is the Story.