Ranking Watchmen Issues

Ranking Watchmen Issues
Watchmen is an iconic superhero graphic novel series that ran during 1986 and 1987. It consisted of twelve issues. The vast majority of the issues are excellent, so I will be ranking them based on memorable plot developments, character moments, art and themes. Here is the ranking.
12. A Brother to Dragons
The absolute nadir of the series, this issue had to get the last spot on this list because it was just pure filler. While it has solid dialogue and a well explored relationship at its center, Dan and Laurie were simply never all that interesting as characters, so them getting an entire issue for themselves was unnecessary and just padding.
11. Fearful Symmetry
This fifth issue focused the most on the comic book that functioned as a story within a story throughout Watchmen. I never found this story all that intriguing, so this issue ended up grinding the pace to a halt. With that being said, it doesn’t get the last spot because of that iconic ending where Rorschach is captured. That entire action sequence was thrilling.
10. Two Riders Were Approaching…
The tenth issue gets the tenth place on this list fittingly enough. It ended with such an amazing Ozymandias cliffhanger. Rorschach and Dan going down the mountain also made for very memorable imagery. This is a strong transitional story that gets minus points for its slower and quite inferior first half.
9. Old Ghosts
This issue moved the plot forward by focusing on Rorschach’s escape as Dan and Laurie help him break out of prison. Rorschach was so funny and memorable during the prison sequences and this was another important transitional story, but focusing so extensively on Dan and Laurie made this issue less engaging, thus its lower placement on this list.
8. A Stronger Loving World
A Stronger Loving World was the twelfth and final Watchmen issue that definitely closed the story in a somewhat rushed and flawed manner, but it still ended with a bang. The moral conundrum at the center of the story was fascinating while Rorschach’s death remains the most tragic moment in the series.
7. Look on My Works, Ye Mighty…
The penultimate issue gets negative points for the villain’s overly didactic speeches and a somewhat standard origin story. With that being said, Adrian Veidt remains a terrific, powerful villain. The one action scene in this issue was phenomenal while the forest dome in the Arctic made for an instantly iconic comic book setting.
6. The Judge of All the Earth
The political/historical elements were less interesting in this particular issue, but everything concerning Dr. Manhattan was fantastic. The interview was very memorable while his eventual exile on Mars led to some wonderfully introspective moments for the character. This was one of the most visually accomplished moments in the series.
5. The Abyss Gazes Also
Now we arriver to the best and most masterful Watchmen issues. This one focused on Rorschach, giving him an origin story akin to the Dr. Manhattan one. It’s one of the most psychologically complex, layered look into one of the series’ best and most memorable personalities.
4. The Darkness of Mere Being
This one focuses on Dr. Manhattan and Laurie’s time spent on Mars. There, they discuss existential issues, particularly focusing on whether or not humanity is worth saving. Deepening Laurie’s character significantly by giving her a horrifying backstory, The Darkness of Mere Being also functions as this wonderful examination of humanity and life itself. The Martian setting coupled with its philosophical ponderings made for a really potent mixture.
3. Absent Friends
Absent Friends is the most purely cinematic Watchmen issue that is also thematically complex. It juggles so many different characters and storylines surprisingly deftly. Sally was instantly memorable and intriguing here and getting to see the horrors of what the Comedian did was quite shocking. The funeral scene was brilliantly handled and it posed some serious questions of our inability to fully value people while they are alive.
2. Watchmaker
In this issue, Dr. Manhattan sits on Mars using his precognitive powers to determine when the picture he is holding will fall to the surface. Then, he starts reminiscing about his past. Deepening the most fascinating character in this series was a brilliant move as it let us know him more while still not absolving him of his past crimes. Dr. Manhattan’s origin story has its familiar superhero elements, but it was elevated by fantastic writing and dialogue.
1. At Midnight, All the Agents…
At Midnight, All the Agents… is the very first and best Watchmen issue because it manages to hook you in the story so effortlessly. Rorschach was at his best here and his monologuing remains iconic to this day. The panels were gorgeous and particularly artistic in this instance while every single character and plot point worked. This was the point in the series where the detective mystery elements were utilized the most, which made it timeless in appeal. The entire series is great, but its beginning remains its shining moment.