Mythic Quest Season 2 (2021)

Mythic Quest Season 2 Review
The second season of Mythic Quest was released in 2021 and it contains nine episodes in total. It’s a stellar improvement upon its predecessor and a great sign for the future of this potentially impressive new comedy series.
“I wasn’t inspired. I was emotionally manipulated.
What’s the difference?“
Titans’ Rift is the first episode and it’s pretty good. Again, the same goes true for this season as the last one – the second half of it was much better. But this episode worked as it examined Ian’s grip on everybody in a hilarious psychosexual manner. This is where Dana and Rachel fully began dating and, despite Rachel needing it, nobody gave them attention for it, either good or bad. This was a great commentary on attention-seeking younger people in today’s America in a show that is progressively becoming more anti-SJW with each season and I loved that about it.
Grouchy Goat isn’t a great episode, but the highlight was the final speech that Poppy gives to women and how Ian manipulated the whole thing was hilarious. #YumYum is hilarious in the dynamic between Jo and C.W. Brad helping David find a romantic partner was also very funny. David reached new glorious cuck heights in this season and it was very entertaining to witness.
Breaking Brad continues the destruction of Rachel and I was living for it. Rob McElhenney both literally as an actor and also as a writer told these SJWs that maybe instead of complaining about lack of opportunities for minorities, they should think about finding a personality or even realizing what their professional goal in life is in the first place. It was a fantastic speech. Another highlight here was Brad’s scheming brother and the dynamic between the two was goofy and fun in its villainy.
Please Sign Here is another solid episode that focuses on the entire team deciding what their spirit animal is. It produced hilarious results with David thinking he is a wolf as well as Brad and Jo beginning their fight for domination. Carol is very amusing here. Just looking at her annoyed, tired facial expressions was priceless.
Backstory! is this season’s flashback episode, but unlike the filler one that we got in the first season, this story was not only hilarious, but also formative for the character of C.W. as we finally got to see who he really is. The revelation turned out to be this very foolish fraud who destroyed the only friendships that he got due to his pettiness. The twist that he basically copied Asimov until he became famous was hilarious, but also somehow believable. The dynamic between the other two writers was interesting, the whole literary workplace setting was very well explored here and the episode was both moving and humorous.
But Peter is even better! Now getting back to the present, Rachel drives C.W. to his previous colleague Peter’s home where he insults the man in the most atrocious ways. This episode was masterful television from beginning to end. It juggled so many different tones – from funny to brutal to tragic to eventually happy – and it all worked splendidly.
C.W. veered dangerously toward becoming a villain here, but eventually he found some goodness in his heart and the two shared their final moments together in a scene that almost made me cry. William Hurt is incredible here in one of his final roles before his death while Abraham has rarely been better. This age is great for these older actors who now have an opportunity in streaming to receive for more superb roles in the final stretch of their lives.
Juice Box is only build-up for the finale TBD. The season ended so many storylines and it will be interesting to see if the status quo will be restored in the next season. Rachel and Dana are apart now, David and Jo are left alone in the company, Brad is arrested hilariously so and Poppy and Ian left the game to start working on their own. It’s a lot of development for the finale, but let’s see if the next season will stick with these changes.
Overall, this season has its weaker episodes, but the stretch in the middle is so incredible that it led to an improved season from its predecessor. This is now becoming a great new comedy from a terrific team of creators and a show that is somehow both funny and moving at the same time.
Worst Episodes: Grouchy Goat and Juice Box.
Best Episodes: Breaking Brad, Backstory! and Peter.