V/H/S/2 (2013)

V/H/S/2 Movie Review
V/H/S/2 is a 2013 horror anthology film directed by Gareth Edwards among others. It is a solid sequel that is pretty much on par with its predecessor.
“You know, you ride that bike more than you ride me“
Yes, I would actually call this movie pretty much the same as the original, which rarely happens, but this sequel neither improved nor worsened what we already got before. Some segments are more memorable than others while the movie mostly is very entertaining, but far from sophisticated.
The framing narrative did not appeal to me. In fact, it was the weakest of the five stories that this movie consists of. As for the other four, I actually liked them all to a degree, though I did not truly love any of them as they are all too rushed and not enough time is put into any of the characters to care what happens to them. None of the deaths was, thus, impactful ay any capacity.
Phase I Clinical Trials is definitely interesting in its medical paranormal premise. I really liked the imagery here and how the characters interacted with each other. This is probably the smartest and most original story of the bunch, but unfortunately it did not go anywhere as the ending is typically rushed and uninspired.
A Ride in the Park is the weakest segment of the bunch. It’s your standard zombie story and it’s a shame that the outdoors forest imagery did not make as much of an impact as it did in the previous movie.
Safe Haven is about a bunch of people being attacked by these cultists, which was very well executed and quite fun, but the final segment called Slumber Party Alien Abduction is a better take on that invasion storyline as it features aliens and they look super cool and creepy.
V/H/S/2 again executes the found footage thrills well, though I wouldn’t call it ever as scary as the original was, though it was less uneven than the said movie. The different directors working on the film did not quite bring it in terms of style as the movie still did not look as professional as I would have liked it look. But it’s undeniably very entertaining.