Golden Eggs (1941)
Golden Eggs Review Golden Eggs is a 1941 animated short film from the Donald Duck series. It is a very flawed...
Golden Eggs Review Golden Eggs is a 1941 animated short film from the Donald Duck series. It is a very flawed...
The Brass-Mine Swindle Review The Brass-Mine Swindle is a storyline in the Popeye the Sailor comic strip series. It’s such a...
......................................................... Twentieth Century Movie Review Twentieth Century is a 1934 screwball comedy film directed by Howard Hawks and starring John...
Well Oiled Review Well Oiled is a 1947 animated short film from the Woody Woodpecker series. It is a very familiar...
Popeye’s Tutor Review Popeye’s Tutor is a storyline in the Popeye the Sailor comic strip series. It’s such a short,...
......................................................... Ranking High School Musical Songs High School Musical is one of my childhood favorites, so it’s very much a...
......................................................... Perfect Blue Movie Review Perfect Blue is a 1997 psychological thriller anime film directed by Satoshi Kon. It’s one...
Timber Review Timber is a 1941 animated short film from the Donald Duck series. It is a solid short. Donald...
Olive’s False Lover Review Olive’s False Lover is a storyline in the Popeye the Sailor comic strip series. It’s such a...
......................................................... Captain Phillips Movie Review Captain Phillips is a 2013 biographical thriller film directed by Paul Greengrass and starring Tom Hanks...