WiNDUP (2021)

WiNDUP Review
WiNDUP is a 2021 animated short film directed and made by various artists around the world. It’s a strong collaborative effort.
It’s about this girl who is ill and unconscious while her father is watching over her and wishing for her recovery. Her journey toward consciousness is portrayed literally as she travels in her mind to the door where eventually she awakens to find her father at her side. It’s a moving short obviously, but the whole journey was cleverly constructed and the end result is this on-the-nose, but well imagined parallel.
The short is nine minutes long and it’s constantly engaging, but again there have been so many highly emotional animated shorts recently that this one fails to resonate on a bigger level because of its familiarity. Still, technically speaking, the movie shines. It doesn’t feel like it’s a collaborative effort, which goes to show how strongly everybody here cooperated. The animation is gorgeous and the score with the trumpet is highly effective at conveying the emotional mood of the story.