Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt Season 4 (2018)

Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt Season 4 Review
The fourth season of Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt is a pretty good final outing for this sitcom with some hugely entertaining, hilarious episodes.
“This musical is going to be a lop,
which is a flop which couldn’t give an F“
Kimmy Is… Little Girl, Big City! is particularly funny in Kimmy’s subplot where she unknowingly sexually harasses her male co-workers. It was unexpected, but ultimately it worked as it was executed in a very humorous manner with Kimmy’s clueless reactions being especially amusing. Kimmy Has a Weekend! is a fine episode with some good moments, but overall it wasn’t all that memorable.
Party Monster: Scratching the Surface was brave for being different, but for me it didn’t quite work. Some moments were hilarious for sure and the whole sexism and male fragility thing was handled amusingly, but for the most part the episode was one-note and simply too much of a departure for the entire series. Kimmy Disrupts the Paradigm! gives Titus something new to do and he is great with these theater kids while Kimmy is very funny at learning math.
Kimmy and the Beest! is annoying in criticizing the Disney classics as this is a cliched thing to do by now, but the message behind it is still sound and in particular Kimmy confronting Fran and beating him up was so funny and satisfying. He ultimately worked for me as there are men like him, especially on the Internet complaining about men’s rights, so making fun of these people was hilarious.
Kimmy Meets an Old Friend! introduces us to Artie’s daughter who had some great moments with Lillian throughout this season, but overall this storyline was underdeveloped in my opinion. The highlight here was Kimmy’s almost very dark turn where she wanted to murder her anthropomorphic backpack.
Kimmy Fights a Fire Monster! deals with a lot, but all of it worked so well. The relationship between Kimmy and Donna Maria was wonderfully realized here and the two shared some touching moments together; Titus being on a “date” with a man played by Jon Bernthal who has ulterior motives was brutal but so funny; Lillian and Jacqueline pursuing younger men was so amusing and it ended on a very realistic note.
Kimmy Is in a Love Square! was a bit too silly in the titular “square”, but this is how the show +deals with sex, so we shouldn’t expect anything edgier from this very mild, family-friendly series. Sliding Van Doors is awesome. This is one of the best episodes of the entire show and probably its most original storyline. Imagining their different pasts and thus futures, but seeing the similarities in all the characters was an ingenious move. The episode is super long, but all of it was hugely entertaining and superbly written.
Kimmy Finds a Liar! is at its best when deconstructing gay actors acting straight in public by turning it all around with Titus being the victim of it all once again. That entire subplot was so funny and just silly enough. Kimmy Is Rich! is such a disappointing penultimate episode that is overall fine throughout without ever being great at anything. Kimmy Says Bye! is an utter fairy tale of a finale. It’s unrealistic to a fault as everybody got the best endings possible. Still, that was also its charm and seeing all of them so happy was a delight. It’s not the best nor the most daring episode, but it’s fine at what it does and the final scene was beautiful.
Overall, this final season had its messy parts and not all characters received proper treatment, but the two main ones, Titus and Kimmy, were so great here, and it was wonderful seeing Kimmy back in focus like it was in the first season. Ultimately, I liked this show for what it is, which is this fun, inconsequential, old-fashioned sitcom that is infinitely enjoyable, if far from truly sophisticated.
Worst Episodes: Party Monster: Scratching the Surface and Kimmy Is Rich!
Best Episodes: Kimmy and the Beest!, Kimmy Fights a Fire Monster! and Sliding Van Doors.