The X-Files Season 9 (2001)

The X-Files Season 9 Review
The ninth season of The X-Files is the nadir of this series. This is where the show reached the bottom of the barrel with way too many of its episodes being uninspired and mediocre.
“Until then, I remain forever yours… Dana“
There is no point in analyzing this season episode by episode, so I am just going to highlight the best episodes here, the only four that I liked. Via Negativa is a cult episode that is actually quite intense and Scully here is very well realized with a solid arc devoted to her. Surekill is also a strong episode that benefits from a particularly fun dynamic between Doggett and Scully.
Other highlights include The Gift and Per Manum. The former features a particularly obsessed, interesting Doggett while the latter is an emotional, female-centric episode about alien pregnancies. This is where Scully got the most to do and she was terrific.
The worst episodes are Invocation, an episode that features a silly storyline that doesn’t work, and of course Existence, a season and show finale that is just plain disappointing. They ended it with a bang, but I did not care for the conclusion to major themes. This is what happens when you drag your television show to eternity. The ending is muted and ineffective.
They did not conclude any arc properly and the characterization on this season was mediocre. Doggett is at least memorable, but Reyes wasn’t and I did not care for her character at all and I preferred Doggett working with Scully instead. Mulder’s story was also ridiculously sidelined and badly written.
Overall, I did not like this ninth season of The X-Files. This is the worst that this show has to offer and the only season that I actively disliked. It has its moments, but for the most part the episodes are badly written, uninteresting and just mediocre. It’s a total waste of time.
Worst Episodes: Invocation and Existence.
Best Episodes: Surekill and Per Manum.