The Village (1993)
The Village Review
The Village is a 1993 British Oscar nominated animated short film directed by Mark Baker. It’s excellent.
It follows one village ruled by church where literally every person in there is being spied upon or they are spying others. That spying or prying affair never ends. This was honestly a very relatable movie to me personally as I come from a very small town where this is literally how people behave in such small communities.
I found it amusing that the sounds those spies make are bird-like screeches, that was so funny and appropriate. I did love the first half of the film plotwise, but the second half with some of the plot points including the action wasn’t as great. But still the ending is nice and following those two as they flee was great. The animation is simplistic, but the village itself is so well imagined that I really liked it nonetheless. The score’s good too. It deserved its Oscar nomination for sure.
The Village is such a strong movie which really gets small towns and villages and how people behave in them.