The Slap-Hoppy Mouse (1956)

The Slap-Hoppy Mouse Review
The Slap-Hoppy Mouse is a 1956 animated short film from the Merry Melodies series. It is a familiar, but hilarious movie.
Local cat gossip says that Sylvester is no longer a great mouse catcher. To prove them wrong, Sylvester takes his son mouse-catching. It’s a been there, done that scenario with almost no originality to it whatsoever in terms of plot points, but I continue to adore this particular series from Warner Bros, so I will never complain about it feeling samey.
The beginning is excellent and it was very amusing seeing Sylvester sleep and yawn and living his luxurious life. But then of course comes his crazy, persistent son who makes him go mousing. Sylvester proves to be a terrible “mouser” and when he happens upon Hippety, he gets beaten up to no end. That final scene and line by Junior was hilarious, and most of his lines here were per usual top-notch comedy gold.