The Pandemic Special (2020)

The Pandemic Special Review
The Pandemic Special is a 2020 special episode for the television series South Park. It’s a great return to form for this franchise.
This is the first ever special for South Park, which is understandable given the abundance of subjects that 2020 presented for Parker and Stone to deal with. Throughout its forty minutes, the two showcase just how difficult life is during lockdown, but the special never forgets to be funny, and it truly is hilarious in the most classic SP way possible. While overly political in its treatment of Trump/Garrison, his last scene was still hilarious. Stan is well utilized here, but Token being shot was abrupt and underdeveloped unfortunately as they chose to deal with the pandemic more than racial tensions this time around.
The highlights are Cartman and Randy. Although Cartman becoming reasonable at the end was a problem for me, he is still amazing here and a great return to form for the character. This sociopath clearly would love the lockdowns, so it was a great choice to have him revel with it and literally sing a song about it. That number is an instant, catchy and hilarious classic. But Randy himself as it his recent best. He basically caused the COVID-19 Pandemic due to Mickey and his raping of the bats and the pangolins in Wuhan. That was simply a hilarious development that was not only a riot, but it also perfectly connected to the last season of the show.