The Other Two Season 1 (2019)

The Other Two Season 1 Review
The Other Two is a comedy television series created by Chris Kelly and Sarah Schneider. It premiered its first season in 2019.
“I don’t care if any of you are famous as long as you are happy“
It is about two siblings who have a hard time after their brother suddenly becomes a singing sensation. This is one of the better recent comedies and one that has a lot of potential for future seasons to be even stronger. The first season has ten episodes and the majority was terrific, but the first half of this span was less confident as is usually the case with new comedies. Thankfully, it became much better as it went along.
Let’s first discuss the characters and the actors playing them. Helene Yorke pretty much channeled Kaitlyn Olson in her performance as Brooke that is way too similar to Dee from ‘Sunny’. Still, I adore that show, so I did not mind those similarities. The reason why I loved her character is her complexity. Yes, she is initially selfish and simply unreasonable in certain situations, but she genuinely cares for her brothers, which was wonderful to witness.
Cary as her brother got the meatier arc. At first, he was a bit too desperate in my opinion and too cringey, but he got a stronger arc in the second half of the season’s run and his professional life issues were very well explored. Molly Shannon is also superb as their over-the-top and joyous mother while Streeter was played so well by Ken Marino. He is the funniest character of the bunch, especially in his crazy business ideas and evident insecurities. I also liked how they handled the child celebrity by actually making him likable in an interesting twist on the formula.
Pilot is the first episode of the first season. It introduced its concept very well. The highlight was Cary’s amusing dynamic with his roommate of questionable sexuality. Chase Goes to a Premiere isn’t particularly memorable, though it has a fun Brooke storyline. Chase Gets a Girlfriend is actually quite accurate in its depiction of celebrity culture and how these famous people use social media. Wanda Sykes was particularly funny here in a great supporting turn.
Chase Gets the Gays is one of the best episodes of the season. Brooke got an over-the-top arc in a great use of situational humor while Cary got to deal with his sexuality becoming very public. That song about his gayness was hilarious. Chase Goes to a High School Dance is solid in the relationship that Cary starts for a second there, but otherwise it lacks in the laughs department.
Chase Shoots a Music Video finds Brooke reliving her dancing glory days while Cary is at his cringiest here. Chase Gets a Nosebleed is by far the funniest episode of the season. Both storylines for once worked here as both siblings got a lot to do. Brooke was hilarious in her dating scenes where she would get rid of any potential boyfriend due to very minor “issues”. As for Cary, he is after “Instagays” here and the result was hilarious. They made fun of these social media people stupendously while signifying just how atrocious of a person Cary can truly be.
Chase Turns Fourteen is very sweet in the Brooke-Lance romance. Lance is easily the sweetest, most caring person on this entire show. Chase Drops His First Album got the most out of its plane setting while dealing with the family’s dark background touchingly. It’s funny, but also quite moving. Chase Performs at the VMAs starts out great for the sibling duo, but eventually they lose everything in a cruel twist of fate.
Overall, The Other Two is a great new comedy show. The first season started off problematically, but it quickly progressed into a much more confident and funnier show that tackles celebrity culture, social media and success in a very honest and amusing manner. The acting performances are superb across the board and the characters are a lot of fun too.
Worst Episodes: Chase Goes to a Premiere and Chase Shoots a Music Video.
Best Episodes: Chase Gets the Gays and Chase Gets a Nosebleed.