Tarzan II (2005)

Tarzan II Movie Review
Tarzan II is a 2005 direct-to-video animated film that ranks among the worst that Disneytoon Studios had produced.
“I finally figured out what you are. A Tarzan!“
Yes, I strongly disliked this one. Maybe I am not fair to it because I am such a huge fan of the original movie, but be that as it may, still the treatment of it here is so bad that I have to give it a very bad rating. It serves as a very poor midquel that positions itself somewhere in the middle of the first film’s story and it tries to grapple with Tarzan’s not fitting in and his feelings of alienation.
The first flick had already explored that and it did beautifully, so this movie treading the same old ground again was unnecessary and foolish. It never reached the emotional heights of its predecessor, that goes without saying, but it’s also kiddified to a fault with no sense of excitement or adventure anywhere to be found.
Tarzan is okay here and probably the best utilized of the bunch, but others fare much worse. Kala only got a couple of scenes for herself, Terk and Tantor are quite forgettable and all the new personalities are annoying. George Carlin’s Zugor may have sounded good on paper, but this hermit ape is one-note, pointless and a waste of time at the end of the day.
Tarzan II has one good thing going for it and that is its animation. While nowhere near the greatness of its predecessor, it still presents visuals that are much better than most of its Disneytoon peers with a very polished feel to it and greatly painted forest imagery. As for the soundtrack, Phil Collins returned to compose the songs and they are much inferior this time around, though the song Who Am I? is overall pretty solid. The new rendition of Son of Man is also fine.