SpongeBob SquarePants Season 6 (2008)

SpongeBob SquarePants Season 6 Review
The sixth season of SpongeBob SquarePants is another very mediocre season that continues the diminishing quality of this once strong show.
“Squidward Q. Tentacles,
I’m placing you under arrest
for impersonating a genius“
House Fancy is excellent. It’s a familiar premise as we’ve seen it before, but I’m always up for another narrative where Squidward tries to impress his rival. The ending is particularly funny here. Krabby Road is too silly in its rock band storyline, Penny Foolish is typical, Nautical Novice is such a filler and Spongicus is far from the best Plankton outings. Suction Cup Symphony is pleasantly old-fashioned, but not great.
Not Normal is just a one-gag story and nothing else, it’s very repetitive. Gone is too silly, The Splinter is utterly forgettable, Slide Whistle Stooges is weak, A Life in a Day is a boring Larry episode, Sun Bleached is silly and Giant Squidward is a stupid Squidward becomes a giant cartoony episode. No Nose Knows is silly, but this time around positively so as this solid animation meta-gag. Patty Caper is forgettable, but Plankton’s Regular is such a wonderful episode that emphasizes Karen’s love for Plankton sweetly.
Boating Buddies and The Krabby Kronicle are really not that good, but The Slumber Party has a solid Krabs role, though it is familiar. Grooming Gary is yet another slight pet episode, SpongeBob SquarePants vs. The Big One is adventurous, but it needed to have been more memorable. Porous Pockets, Choir Boys and Krusty Krushers misuse all of its main characters on a mediocre storyline. The Card is a more original story that mostly works.
Dear Vikings is ridiculous, but it has a lot of silly charm without a doubt. Ditchin’ is familiar, but Grandpappy the Pirate introduces Krabs’ grandpa and he is a lot of fun. Cephalopod Lodge is one of those excellent Squidward episodes where we get to see more of his kind and it’s gorgeously animated and very well crafted overall.
Squid’s Visit is also quite entertaining and solid in its premise. Again, most of these Squidward episodes get us back on track during this season as they remind us of the best episodes from previous seasons. To SquarePants or Not to SquarePants is silly of course, but it is a subversive episode that finally tries to give SpongeBob different pants to amusing results.
Shuffleboarding is another forgettable superhero episode. Professor Squidward brings back Squilliam for another highly entertaining episode. Pet or Pests is a pretty solid, gross pet installment while Komputer Overload is a fine Plankton episode. Gullible Pants is forgettable, Overbooked is familiar in its premise, No Hat for Pat is an annoying Patrick story, but Toy Store of Doom is pleasantly atmospheric in its horror trappings. Sand Castles in the Sand is imaginative and classical and gorgeously animated.
Shell Shocked is weak while Chum Bucket Supreme and Single Cell Anniversary present too many Plankton storylines during the end of this season, but they are both reliably solid. Truth or Square is a forty-minute special that benefits from some good openings employed, but other than such imaginative sequences, it’s utterly mediocre. Pineapple Fever is solid, Chum Caverns is an interesting underground Plankton Story and The Clash of Triton is a highly problematic, messy finale that is overlong and never funny.
Overall, I really did not care for this season. Other than some very good Squidward and Plankton installments, most of the episodes are either annoying and silly or too forgettable and familiar. It continues the trend of every next season of the show being weaker than the previous one.
Worst Episodes: The Clash of Triton and Truth or Square.
Best Episodes: Sand Castles in the Sand, Professor Squidward, Plankton’s Regular and House Fancy.