Spies in Disguise Movie Review


Spies in Disguise Movie Review

Spies in Disguise is a 2019 animated spy comedy film from Blue Sky Studios. It has its strengths, but is mostly just a serviceable cartoon.


I should have a code name.

Bond. Hydrogen Bond


Spies in Disguise Movie Review


Walter and Lance, a scientist and a spy, suddenly have to rely on each other in a whole new way when Lance is turned into a pigeon. That’s the premise behind this spy comedy that is your standard “hilarity ensues from an experiment gone bad” US animated film formula. And the whole film mostly is like that – uninspired, though perfectly okay at everything.

The spy elements are solid, some even very good, but for the most part the movie is overly frenetic in pace and overwhelming in action scenes that I was quite bored with it at times. The comedy elements are much better, though not present all that much unfortunately. Still, some moments are pretty amusing, and some are even downright funny, and that is mostly a testament to the actors.

Yes, Will Smith and Tom Holland both did a terrific job in their respective roles, and both were so well cast. I want more such voice roles from them in the future. Walter is a standard, though amusing cartoon character goofball whereas Lance is very suave and cool. The two share a superb dynamic, and the best moments in the movie are easily the ones that the two share, and I wanted more such scenes as everything else suffered in comparison.

The villains are also solid, but the majority of the supporting characters ain’t all that great. The animation is pretty good and very polished throughout, but lacking any added imagination or originality to it. The whole movie’s like that – okay and at times fun, but never great at anything it does.


Spies in Disguise Movie Review


Some of the scenery is great and some of the settings are excellent, though. Spies in Disguise also deals with pigeons in a pretty detailed, and at times hilarious manner. I just wanted more such scenes as those were the reason why I watched the film in the first place, certainly not the dull, never-ending action scenes.

Spies in Disguise is undone by the barrage of never-ending, frenetic action sequences, and it’s simply never original or great at anything it does, but serviceable and okay nonetheless. The highlight is the main duo. They are both excellent with Will Smith and Tom Holland doing a great job in their respective roles. Some of the humor is pretty good as well, but for the most part the story and action are not all that interesting.

My Rating – 3

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