Ration Bored (1943)

Ration Bored Review
Ration Bored is a 1943 animated short film from the Woody Woodpecker series. It is a pretty solid flick.
Woody fights a policeman to many amusing results. The policeman in question is a bulldog and I like how in these movies the policemen or other antagonists are always depicted as mammals. There is a lot of fun to be had with the fight that erupts between these two and those gags elevate what is otherwise a very slim plot.
The Woody Woodpecker movies continue to lack in storytelling, memorable score and strong pacing, but at least the animation is stellar and the action is fantastic. The highlight here is its very edgy animation that suggests that Woody killed the policeman, himself and the entire town in the process and somehow ended up in heaven for it. It’s such a brutal, but very successful ending.