One-Punch Man Season 2 (2019)


One-Punch Man Season 2 Review


One-Punch Man Season 2 Review

The second season of One-Punch Man is such a drastic fall from grace in comparison to its excellent predecessor.


Don’t underestimate heroes, you jerk


One-Punch Man Season 2 Review


Yes, I was so disappointed in this anime season. The first season was one of my favorite anime seasons out there, but this one was just a giant letdown on every single level except the humor, which was once again terrific. I continue to appreciate the show’s parodying of superhero and/or shonen elements, and some moments here and especially some lines were downright hilarious. That is easily the best part of this season.

But all the new characters aren’t all that interesting nor that well developed to begin with. Saitama is sorely underused in my opinion. All of the scenes and subplots with him were the greatest and most entertaining while all the others are inferior, and those others take up the majority of this season, and that was a problem for me.

I liked the animation, it was again spectacular, and exceedingly polished and cool as are the action sequences. However, none of the fights were all that exciting, well, some are, but most aren’t. The fights concerned less important characters for obvious reasons (Saitama beats everyone with one punch so no fight can ever spring including him), but still they were inferior and I could not care less.

The tournament was also a major disappointment. It started off intriguingly, and I am always up for these anime tournaments that I adore so much, but the tournament ended abruptly, and unfortunately we were left with this prolonged heroes and monsters storyline that did not interest me all that much.


One-Punch Man Season 2 Review


At the end of the day, the second season of One-Punch Man clearly has some excellent episodes. The humor is once again terrific as is the animation and also the score. However, the action sequences aren’t all that entertaining, the supporting characters are uninteresting and the overall monsters and heroes storyline was fine, but hardly spectacular. It was a major disappointment of a season for me.


Worst Episodes: The Resistance of the Strong and The Varieties of Pride.

Best Episodes: The Human Monster and The Troubles of the Strongest.

My Rating – 3.9

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