Norman Normal (1968)

Norman Normal Review
Norman Normal is a 1968 animated short film from the Looney Tunes series. It is a very strange, but intriguing short.
Norman Normal is pressured to act in ways he finds uncomfortable by his boss, his father, and the people around him. This movie started off the year of 1968 in a fascinating way. Apparently, it wasn’t released as part of either Looney Tunes or Merry Melodies series initially, but is now included within the former banner. The problem with this short is that its animation looks cheap and the same goes for the sound and score. The song that is present in the beginning and ending is too timely and forgettable.
But Norman Normal succeeds in terms of storytelling. This is by far the best Warner Bros. short released in quite a while during this terrible period in their history. It is so obvious that they wanted to start off an entire series with this character, but unfortunately that never happened. Norman is, well, a normal guy. But he finds it hard to adapt to people wanting things from him that are either odd or immoral, which made for a fascinating, sophisticated sociological study in human nature. The surreal imagery in certain sequences was so well done and the voice acting was also fine.
“Started off the year 1968”.
No it didn’t, you forgot “Hocus Pocus Pow Wow”.
Oh yeah, sorry for that omission. You are right! I made that mistake because for some reason I failed to even find that flick to watch anywhere online. If you know where I can see it, feel free to share a link!