Mythic Quest: Quarantine (2020)

Mythic Quest: Quarantine Review


Mythic Quest: Quarantine Review

Quarantine is a special of the show Mythic Quest that aired in 2020 during the pandemic. It’s a terrific special that elevates the series to a greater emotional territory.


Please put your shirt on.



Mythic Quest: Quarantine Review


The staff deals with virtual meetings amid the pandemic. Brad and David have Street Fighter contests to decide whether or not the company will make a charity donation. Ian visits a distraught Poppy where she lives. This special is twenty minutes long and it consists entirely of laptop screens of the characters talking with each other online. But it never felt cheap because the creators elevated the material with staggering attention to detail and ambition.

Yes, I missed seeing the actors together with each other, but most of their energy was still transmitted through those screens and the result was wildly entertaining and frequently hilarious. The finale is incredible. This is where the entire team makes what is basically a shared contraption that will move the ball from one screen to another almost as if they were truly connected. It was a stunning feat that really worked.

The special is also impressive for handling lockdown depression and it showcased just how wrong this practice in the Western nations was. The friendship between Ian and Poppy is the core of this storyline and it all led to that wonderful hug that warmed my heart. The two are lonely and depressed when out of work. It was a great commentary on so many Americans today.


Mythic Quest: Quarantine Review


Other highlights include David and Brad who play Street Fighter throughout this episode. David loses and has to shave off his eyebrow and his moustache. Brad is his usual devious self here and it was a lot of fun to watch. C.W. annoying Jo with his tech incompetence was another standout moment. The episode’s superbly edited and paced as well.

Overall, Quarantine is a terrific Mythic Quest special that is very well edited and made across the board. It explores lockdown depression and is unexpectedly emotional while never forgetting to be funny at the same time. The final sequence with the contraption stole the show as it was brilliantly constructed.

My Rating – 4.5

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