Love, Victor Season 3 (2022)

Love, Victor Season 3 Review
The third season of Love, Victor ended the show in a far from satisfactory manner. The characterization and acting were still strong, but the storytelling was extremely messy.
“He may have forgiven me, but I am
no way ready to forgive myself“
First off, I liked this season. It’s solid and fun throughout. However, my issue here stems from the creators’ willingness to resolve everything way too quickly, resulting in a rushed, mediocre finale in particular. But the biggest problem here was the decision to give everyone a couple of different partners, which led to a season of everybody hooking up with everybody. It was ridiculous.
Victor has become highly unlikable by this point. He continues his interventionist approach to his friendships and partners, which made him both annoying and frustratingly clueless. Cimino is terrific in the role, but overall his storyline fared the worst and I simply did not care for his will they, won’t they fling with Benji.
Benji continues to be portrayed as this impossibly sexy, cool guy, which he simply isn’t. His drinking problem was well portrayed, but not the most interesting story of the bunch. Eventually, the two got back together, which was highly predictable and boring. I would have much rather Victor to have ended with that other guy whom he dated here. The two seemed much more fun as a couple.
As for Victor’s parents, they are just as lovely as they have been before. Their dynamic with their kids, especially Pilar was very well realized and it’s funny that some of the best characters on this teenage show are the adults, but that’s how it turned out. Speaking of Pilar, her relationship with Felix went through too much unnecessary drama, but overall the two were sweet together and Felix is just as funny as always.
Lake is now in a lesbian relationship with Lucy and this arc was pretty solid, though it ended on a sour note. Similar thoughts go to Mia and Andrew. She was so toxic and unfair toward him that she was downright unlikable during this season while he continued to be suave and cool as always. As for Rahim, he is a lot of fun as this campy, over-the-top gay teen who is always throwing witty lines and strong advice. His scenes with Victor were among the most entertaining here.
Overall, the third season of Love, Victor ended on a somewhat disappointing note. It’s the worst season of the three as it’s overly messy in execution with too many intermingled relationships between these teenagers being introduced. With that being said, the characters were still well written and the season is charming and fun throughout, albeit not as dramatically impactful as its predecessors.
Worst Episodes: Lucas and Diego and Brave.
Best Episodes: The Setup and You Up?