Lilo & Stitch 2: Stitch Has a Glitch (2005)

Lilo & Stitch 2: Stitch Has a Glitch Movie Review
Lilo & Stitch 2: Stitch Has a Glitch is a 2005 direct-to-video Disneytoon Studios sequel that is among the more solid of their sequels.
“Stitch not bad. Stitch fluffy!“
I actually liked this one quite a bit. Clearly it doesn’t hold a candle to the original as it lacks its sophistication and adult appeal, but because the characterization is on-point and the feel to the movie as well, this sequel ended up working solidly, though its plot was undeniably unimpressive.
Stitch having a glitch and Lilo getting angry with him was a very fabricated drama that unfortunately most of these cheap sequels have in common. What is also problematic here is that ending where the two embrace and Lilo’s love brings him back to life. Yes, this is perfect for a Disney fairy tale, but it doesn’t really fit in the context of this SF comedy and it was emotionally overwrought and excessive.
But the characters as I have already said are great. Stitch is very funny at times, though he talks a bit too much this time around, but still he is very amusing and sweet. Lilo is also quite fun and some of her lines are also delightfully comedic. Nani is less present this time around, but their sisterly bond is still wonderfully explored. David is underutilized, but I did like the role of Pleakley in the relationship drama between those two, but he needed more screen time as he is a great, goofy sidekick. Dr. Jumba is also well realized and quite memorable.
Lilo and Stitch 2 features pretty solid animation with the style of the original being once again present. The characters look awesome and the lush colors of its Hawaiian setting are pleasing to the eye. I liked the humor here a lot with the Elvis references once again being so amusing, but the dramatic elements needed more work and the movie’s overly short. The soundtrack is also not great. Hawaiian Roller Coaster Ride was just repeated while the new songs are forgettable.