Jackass 3D Movie Review


Jackass 3D Movie Review

Jackass 3D is a 2010 reality comedy film directed by Jeff Tremaine and starring Johnny Knoxville and his crew. It is a pretty standard sequel that continues the franchise in an expected manner.


I’m Steve-O…

Oh fuck! Why do I have to be Steve-O?


Jackass 3D Movie Review


The main element that is different here and that distinguishes this entry from the rest of the franchise is the 3D element. I personally would not want to see puke and other bodily fluids coming at me in a 3D theater, but this is what they decided to do and it led to a big box office hit. The 3D craze after ‘Avatar’ even got these guys, which made this entry very dated.

That 3D opening was quite forgettable and I personally did not care that much for the final stunt that was very well executed, but just failing to impress as much as the last entry’s ending did. This is why I prefer the first and the second film over this one, though all three are of similar quality.

What I did appreciate here was less emphasis on toilet humor. It is present, but thankfully at a much lesser capacity than in the previous movie that was very problematic in that area. All the best and most memorable gags from this movie fall into other categories, which was great.

Chris Pontius flying a small helicopter with his penis was memorable in its ridiculousness while Wee Man stole the show whenever he was on screen. His brawl was hilarious. He is by far one of the funniest and most memorable members of the Jackass crew.

Other highlights include the bull sequence with Knoxville himself, the football scene was very well executed and actually my favorite parts were these bad grandpa sequences where they created a new character, which would lead to his spin-off later down the line. The moment when he was on the screen behaving foolishly in front of bewildered people was the funniest bit.


Jackass 3D Movie Review


Whenever they are accompanied by other people, those become comedy gold. The team here had a great dynamic with a touch of homoeroticism still on display. It’s a shame that these movies continue to be wildly uneven in editing and a lack of any storyline.

Jackass 3D features a 3D gimmick that made the movie quite dated nowadays. The opening and ending are inferior, but there are many other gags that really worked and the team still had a great dynamic here. Overall, it’s pretty similar to its predecessors in both its strengths and its weaknesses.

My Rating – 3

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